The New China Began 72 Years Ago—A Tea Reception on the National Day of China

On Friday 1st October Professor Liu invited us all to have a Tea Reception with him and the PHBS-UK staff to celebrate Chinese National Day in the Hall of the Campus.  All countries have their own National Day or National D-Day to commemorate.  Today is China’s National Day. 

“Chinese people are grateful for the New China, founded 72 years ago, that has changed the history of China”, said Professor Liu, who gave a talk explaining the history and significance of the National Day of China. He also went on to explain to us how the Chinese people generally commemorate the formal proclamation of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, which is celebrated annually on the 1st  October, followed by a week of national holiday, commonly known as the Golden Week.  Festivities and concerts are usually held nationwide on this day, including fireworks and cultural events.

Professor Liu gave a very interesting talk, and it was a great opportunity for all of us to learn about China’s National Day.  We finished off listening to the song 我和我的祖国 (My Motherland and I), a song generally played during the Golden Week, and well-known by all Chinese nationals.

The event ended with light refreshments, where we were able to enjoy a cup of English tea with Chinese sponge cakes – a fusion of two cultures, very much like our campus!

The event also gave us the opportunity to socialise with members of staff and fellow students. Thank you PHBS-UK for giving us the opportunity to learn more about China and its culture!